

How I Work

About Me



Useful Stuff

My Blog



                                                 About me 

I’m a coach who loves words and writing. I spent 30 years as a journalist at the sharp end of the news business, most of them working for an international news agency on four continents.  That required speed, accuracy and a high regard for the truth, so expect some tough love when you work with me.

I’ve also worked as a journalism trainer and a mentor as well as a coach, so expect gentleness and a lot of respect.

Colleagues have used the following words about me: humorous, playful, charming, witty and intelligent. Thank goodness they are their words, or I wouldn’t have the courage to use them.

I lead courses for the Coaches Training Institute and am a Certified Professional     Co-active Coach and a member of the International Coach Federation. I also lead courses to train coaches.

The fun stuff: I like riding (horses have a great sense of humour), dancing the tango and salsa (my partners need a great sense of humour) and making a fool of myself in public by Morris dancing (enough said). When you work with me bring your sense of humour. It helps. 

I promise rigour, commitment, professionalism, achievement and fun. I sometimes make deliberate mistakes. Well, if you spot them, they're deliberate.